Lisa isn't really big on dating but you're pretty cool so a little date is probably fine, right?

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Eleanor likes reading. Amber likes swimming.

Supporters voted for this pic over on Patreon. You can vote on the next weekly pic too for just $5+!
Rain is such a good catgirl. 

Supporters voted for this pic over on Patreon. You can vote on the next weekly pic too for just $5+!
Maxi's lap must be soft. 
(commission via patreon)
I've updated my catgirl, Rain's character design. Doesn't she look cute?

(more pics of her here)

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Meet Bingbing's owner, Astria! She's a spaceship pilot and planetary explorer. 

I've been working on her for a while so let me know what you think of her!
(more pics of her here)